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Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How to Choose Your Skincare Products". Unfortunately, many of us are still using the same skincare products that our mothers used decades ago. We need to change that! This article will provide you with some expert advice on what skincare products are worth buying, how to avoid getting ripped off by dishonest sellers, and what ingredients your skin needs in order to stay healthy. Use of this article or any part of it will be considered an infraction of the Terms of Use. Anyone caught using the article in any way without its license will be expelled immediately. 1. Name: School Principal 2. City: Jonesville Woods, Michigan 1. Name: Alyssa Jordan, 15, Northern California / Los Angeles County Weekly reporter 2. City: Burbank 3. Country: United States (1) / United States (2) / United States (3) / Canada (4) / Middle East (5) / Europe (6) / Australia (7) 4. Age: 13 (1) / 14 (2) / 15 (3) / 15 (4) 5. Grade: 9th 6. Age of First Period: 12th grade 7. Age of Last Period: 13th grade 8. Height: 5 feet 8 inches 9. Birthday Month: May . She is an only child with two cousins, brothers who are four and nine years old, respectively. She has never had a boyfriend or experience kissing or cuddling with another girl her age. 10. Favorite "boy" name: Landon. 11. What is your favorite color?: White. 12. What is your favorite food?: Apple Cider Vinaigrette, Apple Cider Vinaigrette, Apple Cider Vinaigrette, Apple Cider Vinaigrette, Apple Cider Vinaigrette 13. Favorite Holiday: Halloween 14. Favorite Movie: Princess Bride 15. Favorite TV Show: Gilmore Girls. 16. Favorite Song: Frozen by Demi Lovato 17. Favorite Actress/Actor: Demi Lovato / Jennifer Lawrence 18. Favorite Sport: Badminton / Diving 1. Name: Alyssa Jordan, 15, Middle Eastern Student Weekly reporter 2. Middle Eastern City: Cairo, Egypt / Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 3. Country Of Citizenship/Country Of Residence: United States / Saudi Arabia 4. Age of First Period: 13 5. How did you feel when you got your first period? My mother ran out to get me some pads when I told her the news. 6. Does your family have a history of breast cancer? No. 7. What is your favorite "boy" name?: Rayyan Al-Amin. 8. cfa1e77820