Genome assembly programs like Velvet require the user to choose parameters such as word length and expected coverage. Even the best whole genome shotgun methods create peaks and valleys of coverage across a genome and the genome itself has regions of low and high complexity. Despite this variation, during assembly a median value for each parameter is chosen and the assembler therefore is less optimal in those regions that differ from that median. Our scripts collect the reads from a particular region and attempt to optimize the assembly for that single region by removing excessive reads and adjusting the indexing word length in response to the predicted coverage, with low coverage assemblies using a short word length, allowing sparse reads to join together and high coverage assemblies using a longer word length to bridge non-unique short sequences in the region. We also routinely tried a fixed low, fixed high and this predicted optimal word length for each region and evaluated the results to choose the best assembly for further use. Velvet can be recompiled to use longer word lengths than the default maximum of 31, but this greatly increases the memory requirements for an assembly. While this is a problem for whole genome shotgun assemblies that already require hundreds of gigabytes of memory, we took this step for our assembly of the long-insert RAD-PE contigs without difficulty due to the low memory requirements of local assembly.
The paired-end reads from each passing RAD site passing the above tests were sent to the Velvet assembler (version 0.7.55) with a word length parameter that increased with increasing depth. Separate Velvet assemblies were also run with a fixed low and high word length, and the best assembly was chosen from the three trials based on the total assembled length of contigs. For the long insert assembly, the paired-end reads from each RAD site were assembled with a word length of 41. The paired-end reads were re-assembled with a predicted optimal word length based on coverage and the first assembly contigs included as long read sequences to help guide the assembly at repeats.
Codoncode Aligner Sequence Assembler Cracked
The genome assemblers generally take a file of short sequence reads and a file of quality-value as the input. Since the quality-value file for the high throughput short reads is usually highly memory-intensive, only a few assemblers, best suited for your assembly. For the sake of computational memory saving and convenience of data inquiry, high-throughput short reads data is always initially formatted to specific data structure. Currently, existing data structure for this usage can be predominantly classified into two categories: string-based model and graph-based model. 2ff7e9595c