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Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (PPEES) publishes outstanding and thought-provoking articles of general interest to an international readership in the fields of plant ecology, evolution and systematics. Of particular interest are in-depth articles that provide a broad understanding of key topics in the field. There are four issues per year.

Ecological Restoration is a forum for people advancing the science and practice of restoration ecology. It features the technical and biological aspects of restoring landscapes, as well as collaborations between restorationists and the design professions, land-use policy, the role of education, and more. This quarterly publication includes peer-reviewed science articles, perspectives and notes, book reviews, abstracts of restoration ecology progress published elsewhere, and announcements of scientific and professional meetings.

Download Pdf Plant Ecology

Campbell, D. and P. Keddy. 2022. The roles of competition and facilitation in producing zonation along an experimental flooding gradient: a tale of two tails with ten freshwater marsh plants. Wetlands 42: 5

Campbell, D. C., P. A. Keddy, M. Broussard and T. McFalls-Smith. 2016. Small changes in flooding have large consequences: experimental data from ten wetland plants. Wetlands 36: 1-10. (Download PDF)

Cahill, J. F. Jr., S. W. Kembel, E. G. Lamb and P. A. Keddy. 2008. Does phylogenetic relatedness influence the strength of competition among vascular plants? Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 10: 41-50. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P. A., L. Smith, D. R. Campbell, M. Clark and G. Montz. 2006. Patterns of herbaceous plant diversity in southeastern Louisiana pine savannas. Applied Vegetation Science 9: 17-26. (Download PDF)

Menzel, T. O., P. A. Keddy, D. Kandalepas and D. Campbell . 2006. Grasshopper communities in relation to plant species and habitat type within the West Lake Pontchartrain Basin. Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences 68: 1-12. (Download PDF)

Houlahan, J., P. Keddy, K. Makkey and C.S. Findlay. 2006. The effects of adjacent land-use on wetland plant species richness and community composition. Wetlands 26: 79-96. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P. A. 2005. Putting the plants back into plant ecology: six pragmatic models for understanding and conserving plant diversity. (Invited Review) Annals of Botany 95: 1-13. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P., K. Nielsen, E. Weiher, and R. Lawson. 2002. Relative competitive performance of 63 species of terrestrial herbaceous plants. Journal of Vegetation Science 13: 5-16. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P. A., L. H. Fraser, and I. C. Wisheu. 1998. A comparative approach to examine competitive response of 48 wetland plant species. Journal of Vegetation Science 9: 777-786. (Download PDF)

Weiher, E., I. C. Wisheu, P. A. Keddy and D. R. J. Moore. 1996. Establishment, persistence, and management implications of experimental wetland plant communities. Wetlands 16: 208-218. (Download PDF)

McJannet, C. L., P. A. Keddy, and F. R. Pick. 1995. Nitrogen and phosphorus tissue concentrations in 41 wetland plants: a comparison across habitats and functional groups. Functional Ecology 9: 231-238. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P. A., L. Twolan-Strutt and I. C. Wisheu 1994. Competitive effect and response ranking in 20 wetland plants: are they consistent across three environments? Journal of Ecology 82: 635-643. (Download PDF)

Reader, R. J., S. D. Wilson, J. W. Belcher, I. Wisheu, P. A. Keddy, D. Tilman, E. C. Morris, J. B. Grace, J. B. McGraw, H. Olff, R. Turkington, E. Klein, Y. Leung, B. Shipley, R. Van Hulst, M.E. Johansson, C. Nilsson, J. Gurevitch, K. Grigulis, and B.E. Beisner. 1994. Intensity of plant competition in relation to neighbor biomass: an intercontinental study with Poa pratensis. Ecology 75: 1753-1760. (Download PDF)

Shipley, B. S., P. A. Keddy and L. P. Lefkovitch. 1991 Mechanisms producing plant zonation along a water depth gradient: a comparison with the exposure gradient. Canadian Journal of Botany 69: 1420-1424. (Download PDF)

Wisheu, I. C. and P. A. Keddy. 1991. Seed banks of a rare wetland plant community: distribution patterns and effects of human induced disturbance. Journal of Vegetation Science 2: 181-188.

McCanny, S. J., P. A. Keddy, T. J. Arnason, C. L. Gaudet, D. R. J. Moore and B. Shipley. 1990. Fertility and the food quality of wetland plants: a test of the resource availability hypothesis. Oikos 59: 373-381. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P. A. 1990. The use of functional as opposed to phylogenetic systematics: a first step in predictive community ecology. in S. Kawano (ed.) Biological Approaches and Evolutionary Trends in Plants. Academic Press, London. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P. A. and I. C. Wisheu. 1989. Ecology, biogeography and conservation of coastal plain plants: some general principles from the study of Nova Scotia wetlands. Rhodora 91: 72-94.(Download PDF)

Wisheu, I. C. and P. A. Keddy. 1989. The conservation and management of a threatened coastal plain plant community in Eastern North America (Nova Scotia, Canada). Biological Conservation 48: 229-238. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P. A., I. Wisheu, B. Shipley and C. Gaudet. 1989. Seed banks and vegetation management for conservation: Towards predictive community ecology. p. 347-363 in M.A. Leck, V.T. Parker and R.L. Simpson (eds.) The Ecology of Soil Seed Banks. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

Wilson, S. D. and P. A. Keddy. 1986. Measuring diffuse competition along an environmental gradient: results from a shoreline plant community. The American Naturalist 127: 862-869. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P. A. and P. Constabel. 1986. Germination of ten shoreline plants in relation to seed size, soil particle size and water level: an experimental study. Journal of Ecology 74: 133-141. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P. A. and T. H. Ellis. 1985. Seedling recruitment of 11 wetland plant species along a water level gradient: shared or distinct responses? Canadian Journal of Botany 63: 1876-1879. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P. A. 1985. Lakeshore plants in the Tusket River Valley, Nova Scotia: the distribution and status of some rare species including Coreopsis rosea and Sabatia kennedyana. Rhodora 87: 309-320. (Download PDF)

Keddy, P.A. 1982. Quantifying within lake gradients of wave energy: interrelationships of wave energy, substrate particle size and shoreline plants in Axe Lake, Ontario. Aquatic Botany 14: 41-58. (Download PDF).

I am an ecologist with research interests at the confluence of community ecology, landscape ecology, and ecological restoration. Much of my current work focuses on understanding the effects of global change on ecological communities and informing conservation management decisions, and I am particularly interested in the effects of altered fire regimes on biodiversity.

Before graduate school I worked for several years as a field botanist, surveying for rare plants on federal land and conducting ecological studies for academic research labs. My research today is grounded in the natural history knowledge and skills I began developing earlier in my career.

I have taught ecology, botany, lichenology, and biology classes in several settings over the years. I love teaching, and I particularly enjoy leading field classes and helping people discover plants and lichens and the stories they tell.

I envision my research program as part of a larger movement to broaden conservation management and restoration ecology into a predictive science, where tools are available to help managers use landscape context, site environment, and plant functional traits to guide practices.

Assessing long-term changes in ecological communities is critical for land management and strategic restoration, but is challenging because baseline datasets are rarely available. I have used a combination of field surveys and remote sensing to document changes in plant communities and vegetation.

How do plant and lichen functional traits respond to landscape context and disturbance history? Can functional differences between early successional species and late-successional species be used to inform management and restoration practices?

Functional traits can provide key information about how organisms respond to the environment. For example, dispersal traits may help explain species distributions in fragmented landscapes. Species dispersal traits along with persistence traits may also correspond to differences between early and late successional plant species, with potentially important implications for ecological restoration. Using functional traits to inform conservation and management practices can potentially strengthen connections between basic and applied ecology. I am developing experimental manipulations of lichen community functional traits to test community assembly processes.

Miller, J. E. D. and H. Safford. 2020. Are plant community responses to wildfire contingent upon historical disturbance regimes? Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(10): 1621-1633. Download PDF

Miller, J. E. D. and E. Damschen. 2017. Biological soil crust cover is negatively related to vascular plant richness in Ozark sandstone glades. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 144(2):170-178. Download PDF

Grover, Shannon**, J. E. D. Miller, and E. Damschen. Indirect effects of landscape spatial structure and plant species richness on pollinator diversity in Ozark glades. Castanea, in press. (**Mentored undergraduate) Download PDF

Miller, J.E.D., A. Rossman, R. Rosentreter, and J. Ponzetti. 2011. Lichen ecology and diversity of an Oregon sagebrush steppe: 1977 to the present. North American Fungi (6)2:1-15. Download PDF 2ff7e9595c

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