"Late in the morning, when I had gained the tardy consent of my host to go on my way, as a final act of kindness, he called a slave to show me across the fields by a nearer route to the main road. 'David,' said he, 'go and show this gentleman as far as the post-office. Do you know the big bay tree?' 'Yes, sir.' 'Do you know where the cotton mill is?' 'Yes, sir.' 'Where Squire Malcolm's old field is?' 'Y-e-s, sir,' said David, (beginning to be bewildered). "Do you know where Squire Malcolm's cotton field is?' 'No, sir.' 'No, sir,' said the enraged master, levelling his gun at him. 'What do you stand here, saying, Yes, yes, yes, for, when you don't know?' All this was accompanied with threats and imprecations, and a manner that contrasted strangely with the religious conversation and gentle manners of the previous evening."
Gerry Bowman of Los Angeles channels John the Evangelist on radio KIEV promptly at midnight every Sunday night. Another channeler, Jo Ann Karl, speaks for the Archangel Gabriel. Karl also claims that she was married to St. Peter. Her views on life with the Apostles are as follows: "We traveled widely with Jesus, teaching with Him. After He was crucified, we continued to teach and travel for several more years, until we were caught by the Romans. Peter was crucified, and I was raped, pilloried, and thrown to the lions. Now I understand why I've always been afraid of large animals."[4]
Raped by an Angel 5: The Final Judgment (2000).torrent